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Averill Elwyn

A member registered Mar 06, 2020

Recent community posts

Did you get the egg for the witch from the cheat menu, because it causes a bug that prevents you from discovering the corrupted lake.

The game definitely deserves more popularity than right now, this is great stuff right here.  <3

Thanks for the help!

Is Feliar to be trusted? I don't care for spoilers.

Yes, you can, your save file on android is located in internal storage > android > data > com.rennochin5.ld (I think) > files > saves | copy and paste your save files from your pc to your android, good luck :)

And how do I get to that forest? I am on my 16th day BTW.

how to obtain a Graple? I want some pastries :(

Hello, it happens from time to time that room images can not be found, is it because they're yet to be drawn, or there's an error ?, LOVE THE GAME BTW!